Teleflora's Grand Gesture
When you're inspired to make a grand gesture of any kind, this gorgeous tropical topiary is a natural choice. The calla lily symbolizes magnificent beauty and when mixed with graceful tropical leaves and arranged in a stunning bamboo dish, the results are extraordinary.
When you're inspired to make a grand gesture of any kind, this gorgeous tropical topiary is a natural choice. The calla lily symbolizes magnificent beauty and when mixed with graceful tropical leaves and arranged in a stunning bamboo dish, the results are extraordinary.
When you're inspired to make a grand gesture of any kind, this gorgeous tropical topiary is a natural choice. The calla lily symbolizes magnificent beauty and when mixed with graceful tropical leaves and arranged in a stunning bamboo dish, the results are extraordinary.
All prices in USD ($)
25 1/2" H
15 1/2" W
Standard - $97.49
26" H
16" W
Deluxe - $116.99
26" H
16" W
Premium - $136.49